Apologies. Not even once.

Something I have learned over the past few months, especially with the allegations directed at Vic Mignogna, the one about sexually abusing teenage fans in particular, is that one must never apologize to people in the pedohysteric circles, or any outrage mob for that matter.

It is the only solution. To never apologize ever again. In this current pedo hysterical outrage culture one must never apologize.

Apologies are no longer a sign of respect or admittance of one’s mistakes. Nowadays they have become a sign of defeat, lack of self respect, and lack of dignity. An apology no longer means “Yeah. I made a mistake and learned from it.” it means “I give in. You can bully me.”

Why? You ask? Well. Because the outrage mob takes an apology as admittance of guilt and as justification to abuse.

If you are accused of anything, issuing an apology means you consider it fair to be punished for that, even if it was not something punishable by any law. If you apologize for telling someone he smells like rotten onion, even if he smells like rotten onions, you are in the wrong.

Admitting one is in the wrong through apology, especially when one is not in the wrong, means opening oneself to abuse. An apology is a target on one’s face, right between the eyes, with neon shine, ready to be pierced by the arrow of social stigma or a witch hunt.

However that doesn’t mean one must be an unapologetic, narrow minded, hostile primitive who never admits flaws.

The proper way to handle flaws now is with a non apology and self improvement. If you are accused of breaking a chair with your fat ass, you must not say “Sorry for being fat.” You say “I broke a chair with my fat ass, so I will work out and make sure the next time I break a chair is with my muscular ass.” And the day your muscle bound, low fat, high testosterone body breaks a chair, everyone will say you are a badass and not a fat ass.

To maintain one’s dignity one must cease all apologies, and instead focus on bettering oneself. And if there is nothing to better, double down!

If someone calls me a pedophile for advocating freedom and stating biological adults, including teenagers, should be able to interact with each other, including having love relationships, I won’t apologize and back off. No. I will double down and push harder. Because I know I am not harming anyone and not in the wrong.

Improving oneself and fighting back is the only truly dignified and respectful way to handle any sort of accusation or evidenced flaw. Being thankful to those who point at your error and unyielding to those who try to shame you into submission.

2 thoughts on “Apologies. Not even once.

  1. galileo1439 says:

    Don’t apologize, brag about your conquest of young women! Proudly state that it is a good trait for a man, especially an older man, to have young women.

    To quote the recent Gillette commercial, be the best a man can be. And the best a man can be is to rule over women. The best a man can be is to be old and meet young girls. Women, especially young girls, like to be dominated and controlled by men.

    And as you have experienced, many young women are attracted to old men, regardless of whether or not the old man have lots of money.

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